MOA Software L.L.C.


Free Software, because it doesn't write itself!

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MOA Software LLC is owned and operated by Gary James; a retired Sr. Software Design Engineer and software contractor.


I am also proficient in the design, development, and authoring of finished DVD's.   I have created several DVD based movie trivia games.

My need for specific Vegas editing enhancements is what prompted me to write the Timeline Tools Utility program made available here.


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  M.O.A. Software LLC


Free Software developed by MOA Software L.L.C.

ANNOUNCEMENT.   Sony Vegas Pro has been sold to Magix Software.  Starting with the soon to be released Magix Vegas Pro v14, all new product development and support will be handled by Magix.   As part of the product sale agreement, Magix had to remove all Sony branding, both visible and hidden in Vegas, which forced them to alter the internal programming interface used by Vegas Scripts and Extensions like Timeline Tools.   In so doing, all scripts and extensions written or compiled for Sony Vegas Pro v13 or earlier will no longer work in Magix Vegas Pro v14 or later; this includes Timeline Tools.    Text Scripts with a .CS or .JS extension can be modified by the user to work in Magix Vegas Pro, but compiled scripts and extensions can not.

Because of the large amount of work that would be required in maintaining,  developing, and testing two versions of Timeline Tools (one for Sony Vegas Pro v13 and earlier, and one for Magix Vegas Pro v14 and later) I've decided that for a free utility program, I simply can't invest the time required to properly support both.   To that end Timeline Tools will NOT be available for Magix Vegas Pro.


Timeline Tools for Sony Vegas Pro

Timeline Tools is a Sony Vegas Pro Command Extension Utility.  Extensions are a more powerful version of Scripting that extend and enhance the built-in video editing capability of Sony Vegas Pro.  Extension support was introduced in Sony Vegas Pro version 8.0.

Timeline Tools provides a set of editing features that makes manipulating Vegas Events, Markers, Envelopes, Points, Plug-Ins and Groups a snap.   This package is stuffed with many hard-to-find scripting features that Vegas users could spend hours searching for.  The program is especially useful if you are creating video slideshows that contain 1000 or more still images.  Timeline Tools has been tested and works with both 32 and 64 bit Sony Vegas Pro versions 8.0 and up.  Note: The initial release of Sony Vegas Pro v13 had a bug that prevented some older compiled Scripts and Extension programs, like Timeline Tools, from running on some computers.  Starting with Build 310 of SVP v13, this problem has been fixed.

Timeline Tools is not a substitute for commercial Vegas Extension packages such as Excalibur, Vegasaur or Ultimate S.  But it does make a great addition to the features found in these professional programs.

Now the legal disclaimer:  Timeline Tools is free software, so support is limited.  And because this is free software, the program is provided as is.  There is no warranty expressed or implied regarding its suitability or use for any purpose whatsoever.  However, feel free to report any bugs that you find, or a feature request that would be useful to the majority of Sony Vegas users.

Download the Timeline Tools Setup program here.   The latest version is v1.0.64.

Review the Timeline Tools Users Guide here.   Review the Change List here.

Review the Timeline Tools Instructional videos.

Important Note:  Because Sony Vegas has THREE menus labeled Extensions ( View / Extensions, Edit / Extensions, and Tools / Extensions), some people have had difficulty locating Timeline Tools after it was installed.   Timeline Tools, like many other Extensions, appears under the View / Extensions menu.   Please refer to the Users Guide for additional information regarding Installation and Configuration of the program.


Utility Programs

Stand alone utility programs that provide useful and timesaving features.

Playlist Tools

Playlist Tools is a utility for working with .M3U and .WPL Audio Playlist Files. Playlist Tools lets you View, Manipulate, Create, Repair, and Play single playlist entries, or the entire Playlist using your default Audio player.

You can Drag a Playlist or Audio files from Windows Explorer into Playlist Tools to open them up.  And you can Drag and Drop either the entire set of Playlist files, or just a single file from Playlist tools to any other program that can accept files dropped from Windows Explorer.   This feature lets you effectively Import Playlists into programs that do not natively provide this capability.

Starting with version 1.0.4, you also have the ability to perform a beat detection analysis on a selected Playlist audio file, and export the beat positions in seconds to a text file.

The latest Playlist Tools version is v1.0.4.

Download the Playlist Tools Setup program.


Tool Scripts for Sony Vegas

If you don't need all the power and features of the full Timeline Tools Extension, the following Script DLLs have been created that encapsulate individual features of the full tool.

Import Playlist Script.

This Script lets you import an .M3U or .WPL Audio Playlist into a new Audio Track in the Vegas Timeline.    You can enter a value in seconds to cause the Audio Events to be Overlapped; or if you enter a negative number you can add Gaps between the Events.

Any errors that may occur when importing your Playlist, such as missing audio files, will be reported.

Download the Import Playlist Script .ZIP file.

Visual Studio 2010 "Vegas Extension Project" example for Sony Vegas Pro

For all of you software engineers who have an interest in creating your own Sony Vegas Pro Extensions, I've created a Visual Studio 2010 template project that can be downloaded, compiled, and run in both 32 or 64 bit versions of Sony Vegas Pro v8.0 or later.   The project incorporates a custom State-Machine that sits between Sony Vegas and the project extension code.  This minimizes the complexity of handling the numerous asynchronous events that Vegas normally fires into an extension.  Instead of using the Vegas events directly, the state machine processes the Vegas events and fires it's own events that your extension program code hooks into and uses.

The Extension project contains a reference to the Sony Vegas Pro v8.0 API DLL installed on your PC.   To compile the Visual Studio Project you must have the Sony API DLL present somewhere on your PC.   The DLL can be downloaded from the link below if you do not have it.

Download - Extension Project - For Visual Studio 2010, and Net Framework v2.0.

Download - Sony.Vegas.DLL - The Vegas API DLL from Sony Vegas Pro v8.0.  This defines the earliest version of Sony Vegas Pro that can utilize the DLL compiled by the project.

If you do not have Visual Studio 2010 installed on your PC, Microsoft has a fully functional but lightweight Express version of their Visual Studio 2010 Development system that you can download and use for free.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for C#.





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