I would like to personally Thank everyone who has taken the time to send money in for the TCA to host the NRA Leadership Seminar. I especially want to THANK those TCA members from Europe, Japan and Norway that have sent donations. Here are members who have been kind enough to send funds for which they can expect little in return.

I have had several letters and comments from members that say they don't think much of the NRA because they feel that the machine gun community was sold down the river in 1968 and 1985. Yes we were ...... but did we help our own cause? Did we have any organization representing our beliefs? Nope. Why not? Because no one including the NRA knew anything about our hobby. That is one of the things that I am trying to change with the sponsoring of this seminar. If they learn about us and understand what we do, this will help us and others in future fights. Right now we are the "dark" sister to the gun collecting hobby. However, with good press like the Thompson display at Phili. two years ago (and the NRA Judges Awards we won), The Tales of the Gun episode (which is the most popular of all the Tales shows), and several other things, we have, for a time, an opportunity to get our point across. All I can say is it is worth a try.

Tracie L. Hill,
President TCA

P. S. We will be having elections for officers for the TCA at the August 18-19 All Thompson Show and Shoot. If you are interested in running, please contact me.