Dagmar Zahn

Dagi was not present at the very first All Thompson Show and Shoot but after she made her appearance at the Second All Thompson Show and Shoot, we just couldn't imagine a show without her. Dagi had a mystique about her. Maybe it was her life in California, or her German roots. We could never quite put our finger on it, but she was just very unique and interesting.

No matter what subject was up for discussion, Dagi was able to contribute. She had experienced so many things and had traveled so much. She was wise, friendly and had such warmth and beauty. As soon as she walked into the show, she would have a circle of friends around her for the entire evening.

There are so many memories of her and the All Thompson Show and Shoot. She had an affection for the Granville Inn where she and Mike would stay. She always requested the room at the top of the inn which she named the Bat's Nest. Today it is very hard to pass the inn and not think of Dagi' S special room there.

She and Mike always used to steal away to explore the area antique shops. They came up with all kinds of treasures. They nearly missed their plane back home on one trip because they decided, on the way to airport, to hit one more shop.

We'll never forget the croquet games in the backyard while the guys were talking Thompsons. Dagi was such a good sport - not because of the game so much but because of all of the mosquitoes that were biting on those August nights. In later years, we traded the croquet game for board games. All of the women congregate in the living room to escape the guns for a while and play games. One of our favorites is Outburst. One night Dagi was on the team that got the category, Cities in Germany. We all laughed and joked that it was unfair because she had grown up there.

Dagi was also a regular at our Ladies Night Out. These are our Saturday night trips to the outdoor theater. We have such fun driving to and from and enjoying the show together. Each year this is a highlight for many of us and it feels like we have known each other our entire lives. We could always count on having a good time with Dagi and if she was attending the Thompson Show she never missed one of these side trips to the theater.

Last year Dagi was not able to attend the show. We did not know at that time the seriousness of her illness. She was very much missed and during our board games on Friday night we placed a call to California to tell her how much we missed her. She was not home so we left a message on her machine. We all shouted greetings into the phone.

A large part of the fun in the All Thompson Show and Shoot is the continued support of attendees from year to year. It is so exciting to see our same friends return and to welcome new friends into our home. Mike and Dagi traveled so far and yet they continued to be here year after year. The party never really got started until the "Californians" arrived. We will miss Dagi's smile and her kisses. We will miss her stories and laughter. Our games and our trips to the theater will never quite be the same without our friend. To Surfer Mike we say thank you for bringing Dagi into our lives through your hobby. We share your loss in some small way. We hope that you feel our love and support at this time in your life. You are special to all of us and we hope to continue to see you at the All Thompson Show and Shoot.

Donna and Tracie Hill